From C++ to Rust

I recently started learning Rust. As a long-time C++ programmer, I wanted to understand how C++ concepts worked in Rust. This is a comparison of various concepts and implementation details of C++ and Rust.

I rate each aspect of the language as:

Indicator Concept Implementation
Highly Similar Minor Differences
Somewhat Similar Substantial Differences
Vaguely Similar Major Differences

This is not an exhaustive comparison.


❌ Naming Conventions

Rust specifies snake_case for variable and function names. It specifies UpperCamelCase for custom types and UPPER_CASE for constant values. The Rust compiler issues warnings if the case conventions are not followed. While most projects follow similar conventions, C++ does not specify case conventions.

✅ Primitive Types

C++ Rust Size (C++/Rust)
size_t isize cpu specific
ssize_t usize cpu specific
uint8_t u8 8-bit
int8_t i8 8-bit
uint16_t u16 16-bit
int16_t i16 16-bit
uint32_t u32 32-bit
int32_t i32 32-bit
uint64_t u64 64-bit
int64_t i64 64-bit
uint128_t u128 128-bit
int128_t i128 128-bit
const char * &str varies
float f32 32-bit
double f64 64-bit
bool bool varies/1 Byte
char char 8-bit/32-bit

✅ Literals

C++ Rust Type
5'000 5_000 Decimal
0xff 0xff Hexadecimal
O777 0o777 Octal
0b1111'0000 0b1111_0000 Binary
'A' 'A' Byte
1.0f 1.0_f32 single-precision floating point
1.0 1.0 double-precision floating point

With Rust you can suffix a literal with an underscore-primitive type:

let x = 5_u64;

❌ User-Defined Literals

auto operator"" _milliseconds(unsigned long long int value) -> long long int {
  return value;

const auto value = 5_milliseconds;

In Rust, you can have user-defined literals only within macros. Doing so is non-trivial but the call site could look something like this:

//can do this
let duration = chrono!(5milliseconds);
//can't do this
let other_duration = 5milliseconds;

❓ Compound Data Types

❌ Enums

enum class Color {
  red, green, blue
enum Color {
  Red, Green, Blue

An enum in Rust can also be used similarly to std::variant.

using Option = std::variant<bool, int>;

const auto option = Option{5};
const auto nothing = Option{false};
enum Option {

let option = Option::Some(5);
let nothing = Option::None;

Rust std::Option is used like C++’s std::optional. Some aspects of Rust std::Option are built into the language to streamline error handling using the ? operator.

❓ Arrays

char x[5]; //may be uninitialized

const auto z = x[0] + x[4]; //first and last
const auto ub = x[5]; //undefined behavior
let x: [i32; 5] = [1,2,3,4,5]; //must be initialized before 1st use
let y = [3; 5]; //y is [3,3,3,3,3];

let z = x[0] + x[4];
let ub = x[5]; //won't compile 
//if a dynamic out-of-range value is used, rust will panic at runtime

❓ Tuples and Structs

In Rust, tuples are a native type. In C++, they are part of std::tuple.

auto get_tuple() -> std::tuple<int, int>{
  return std::tuple<int, int>{1, -1};
fn get_tuple() -> (i32, i32) {
    (1, -1)

✅ Constness and Mutability

C++ variables are mutable by default while Rust variables are constant by default.

const int x = 5;
int y = 10;
let x: i32 = 5;
let mut y: i32 = 10;

In Rust, variables are dropped after the last use. This means a variable can be re-declared in the same scope.

//this compiles and is valid rust
let x = 10;
let mut x = x; //x is now mutable

auto vs. inference

The auto keyword in C++ was introduced to enable backward compatible type inference. Rust comes with built-in type inference.

const int w = 5;
const auto x = 5;
int y = 10;
auto z = 10;
let w: i32 = 5;
let x = 5;
let mut y: i32 = 10;
let mut z = 10;

✅ Casting

C++ includes many implicit type-casts. In Rust, type-casting is always explicit.

const double x = 1;  //implicit conversion from int to double
const auto y = static_cast<double>(1); //C++11

There are many ways to cast in C++. I can’t cover them all here.

let x: f64 = 5; //won't compile - no implicit conversion
let y = 5 as f64; //cast using as

❌ Copy and Move Semantics

Copy and move semantics between C++ and Rust concerning are very different. To summarize:

  • C++ copies variables by default. If a class/struct has implemented move semantics, the value is sometimes moved.
  • Rust moves (transfers ownership) by default. Custom types can implement Copy (implicit) and Clone (explicit) copy semantics.

Rust primitive types implement Copy and Clone such that primitives are copied by default (just like in C++).

const auto x = 5;
const auto y = x; //y holds a copy of 5
printf("x%d\n", x);
printf("y%d\n", y);
let x = 5;
let y = x; //y holds a copy of 5
//for these we assume `impl fmt::Display for X`
println!("x{}", x); 
println!("y{}", y);

See Also References vs Borrowing.

❌ Copying and Moving Compound Types

For non-primitives, C++’s default mode is to copy variables whereas Rust’s default is to move (or transfer ownership). For example:

struct X {
  int value;
auto x = X{5};
auto y = std::move(x); //y holds a copy of x (default move is to copy)
printf("x%d\n", x); //C++ specifies a valid but unspecified state for x
printf("y%d\n", y);
struct X(i32);
let x = X(5);
let y = x; //y now owns '5' and x is now invalid
//for these we assume `impl fmt::Display for X`
println!("x{}", x); // This is a compiler error because x is moved
println!("y{}", y);

In Rust, you can override the default behavior by implementing Clone or Copy for a custom type. The mechanics are similar to custom move/copy assign/construct operators in C++.

struct X {
  int value;
  X(const X&a){
    //magic here
  X& operator=(const X&a){
    //magic here
    return *this;
  X(const X&&a){
    //magic here
  X& operator=(const X&&a){
    //magic here
    return *this;
struct X(i32);
impl Copy for X {
  fn copy(self: &Self) -> Self {
    //magic here

self: &Self can be written:

  • &self: reading
  • mut self: mutating
  • self: consuming

Or you can use the default Copy:

struct X(i32);
let x = X(5);
let y = x; //y gets a copy of X
//for these we assume `impl fmt::Display for X`
println!("x{}", x); // This compiles now
println!("y{}", y);

❌ References vs Borrowing

C++ references and Rust borrows are very different but use similar syntax.

auto x = 5;
auto & y = x; //y refers to x

In C++, y is a pointer to x. If x changes, y will reflect that change. If x goes out of scope, y will be a dangling reference (undefined behavior).

let mut x = 5;
let y = &x; //y borrows x's value
x = 10; //won't compile, because x is "borrowed"
println!("y{}", y);
x = 20; //will compile, borrow ends after last use

In Rust, & is a borrow. The borrower takes ownership of the underlying data and limits what the original variable can do.

The above is a simplification of Rust ownership. Read more in the Rust book

Procedural Programming

Most procedural programming concepts in Rust are similar to C++. A few concepts differ substantially such as Rust’s match keyword.

❓ Flow Control

❓ If/Else

auto is_true = true;
if( is_true ){
  //do this
} else {
  //do that
let is_true = true;
if is_true { //parentheses are optional but discouraged
  //do this
} else {
  //do that

else if works the same way in C++ and Rust.

✅ Ternary Operator

const auto x = true;
const auto y = x ? 5 : 10;
let x = true;
let y = if x {5} else {10};

In Rust, if is an expression that evaluates to a value. Notice there are no ;’s in the branches. Both branches must resolve to the same type (just like C++ ternary).

❌ switch vs match

C++ switch and Rust match are similar conceptually but have distinct implementations.

auto x = 5;
auto y = 0;
  case 0:
    y = 0;
  case 1:
    y = 1;
    y = 2;
let x = 5;
let mut y = 0;
match x {
  0 => y = 0;
  1 => y = 1;
  _ => y = 2; //_ is a catch-all value

In Rust, the match statement can pattern match enums in a way that is unparalleled in C++.

let x = Some(5); //is a std::Option
match x {
  Some(value) => println!("Has value {}", value),
  None => println!("doesn't have a value")

❓ Loops

❓ For Loops
for(int i=0; i < 10; ++i){
  //do something (10x)

const auto list = {0,1,2,3,4};
for(const auto & value: list){
  //do something with each `value`
//list is still valid
for i in 0..10 { //use _ if i is not used
  //do something (10x)

let list = [0,1,2,3,4];
for value in &list { //borrow list
  //do something with each `value`
//borrow is returned
for value in list { //consume list
  //do something with each `value`
//at this point list has been consumed and cannot be used
❓ While Loops

auto dont_stop = true;
  dont_stop = false;
//this is a warning in rust - use a `loop`
while true {

let mut dont_stop = true;
while dont_stop == true {
  dont_stop = false;
❌ Loops

Rust has a loop keyword that loops forever without an explicit breaks. Rust also supports named break’s with nested loops.

loop {
  //forever loop

✅ Functions

int function(int x){
  return x;
//with trailing return type (looks more like Rust)
auto function(int x) -> int {
  return x;

fn function(x: i32) -> i32 {
  return x;

//rust lines without a semicolon are an implicit return
fn function(x: i32) -> i32 {
  x // same as return x;


❌ Default Arguments

auto do_something(int x = 2) -> int {
  return x*2;

do_something(10); //or

Rust does not support default arguments.

There are techniques using Option or impl Default that achieve similar behavior.

❓ Lambas

C++ lambdas are called closures in Rust.

const auto x = 5;
//captured variables `&x` are explicit
auto lambda = [&x](int y){
  return x + y;

const auto sum = lamdba(5);
let x = 5;
//captured values, `x` in this case, are automatically 
//borrowed until closure's last use
let closure = |y: i32| -> i32 { x + y };

let sum = closure(5);

❓ Immediately called Lambda

In C++, I like to declare and immediately call a lambda to do complex logic in an isolated scope and return a const value from it.

const auto list = [&](){
  auto result = std::vector<std::string>{};
  for(int i=0; i < 10; i++){
  return result;

In Rust, a scope is an expression. So there is no need for a closure to do the same thing.

let list = {
  let mut result: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
  for _ in 0..10 {

Object Orient Programming

❌ Classes and Structs

The primary difference between a C++ class and a struct is the class members are private by default and struct members are public. When comparing to Rust, we will just consider the C++ struct.

struct X {
  int width;
  int height;
}; //trailing ;

//or a tuple
using T = std::tuple<int, int>;
struct X {
  width: i32,
  height: i64, //this trailing comma is optional
} //no trailing ;

//struct can be a tuple
struct T(i32, i64)

❓ Member Functions/Methods

struct Foo {
  int value;
  void set_value(int num){
    value = num;

auto foo = Foo{10};
struct Foo {
  value: i32

//implementation is always separate from the data
//with no forward declarations required
impl Foo {
  fn set_value(&mut self, num: i32){
    self.value = num;

let mut foo = Foo{value: 10};

❌ Constructors

C++ gives a ton of flexibility in how to construct objects. Rust has exactly one way to construct an object. However, both languages support factory functions for combining logic with instantiation.

struct X {
  int width; //could assign defaults
  int height;
  X(int w, int h){ //could do an init-list here
    //do some magic
  //or with a factory function
  static X create_x(int w, int h){
    //do some magic
    return X(w,h);
struct X {
  width: i32,
  height: i64, //this trailing comma is optional
} //no trailing ;

impl X {
  fn create(w: i32, h: i64) -> Self {
    //do some magic
    //this is the ONLY way to officially construct X
    return X{width: w, height: h};

let x0 = X{width:10, height:20};
let x1 = X::create(5,10);

❓ Destructors

❓ C++ destructors have a lot more to worry about than Rust because of the way inheritance and copy/move semantics are implemented in C++.

struct X {
  int width; //could assign defaults
  int height;
    //called when the instance goes out of scope
    //take care to properly handle copy/move semantics and inheritance

struct X {
  width: i32,
  height: i32

impl Drop for X {
  fn drop(&self){
    //called when the instance is dropped
    //only called once per value
    //not called on borrow or ownership transfer

❓ Access Modifiers

struct Foo {
public: //this is the default for struct
  int public_value;
  int protected_value;
  int private_value;
struct Foo {
  pub public_value: i32,
  //no equivalent for protected
  private_value: i32

In Rust, everything in the same module of the same crate can access private values. In C++, only the members of the same type can access private values.

❌ Inheritance

struct Foo {
  int foo;
  int get_foo() const {
    return foo;

struct Bar : public Foo {
  int bar;
  int get_bar() const {
    return bar;

auto bar = Bar{};

Rust uses “Traits” to define interfaces. A struct can implement multiple traits. “Traits” allow

  • constants
  • functions
  • types

They do not allow data members. To do approximately the above in Rust:

trait Foo {
  fn get_foo() -> i32;

trait Bar {
  fn get_bar() -> i32;

struct FooBar {
  foo: i32,
  bar: i32

impl Foo for FooBar {
  fn get_foo(&self) -> i32 {

impl Bar for FooBar {
  fn get_bar(&self) -> i32 {

let foobar = FooBar{foo: 5, bar: 10};
let _foo = foobar.get_foo();
let _bar = foobar.get_bar();

❓ Virtual Functions

struct Foo {
  virtual int pure_vitual() = 0;
  virtual int virtual_with_default(){
    return 0;

struct Bar: public Foo {
  int pure_virtual() override (){
    return 1;
  int virtual_with_default() override (){
    return 1;
trait Foo {
  fn pure_virtual() -> i32;
  fn virtual_with_default() -> i32 {
    return 0;

struct Bar;

impl Foo for Bar {
  fn pure_virtual() -> i32 {
    return 1;
  //omit to use Foo's default implementation
  fn virtual_with_default() -> i32 {
    return 1;

Overriding and Overloading

C++ uses polymorphism more liberally than Rust.

❌ Function Overloading

struct Foo {
  int bar();
  int bar() const; //unique by const
  int bar(int value); //unique by parameter
  int rbar() &&; //unique by rvalue
  int rbar() &; //unique by lvalue
impl Foo {
  //functions can't be overloaded (need unique names)
  fn bar(){}
  fn bar_const(){}
  fn bar_int(value: i32){}

✅ Operator Overloading

struct X {
  int width; //could assign defaults
  int height;
  X operator+(const X & rhs) const {
    return X{width+rhs.width, height+rhs.height};


const auto x = X{5,5} + X{10,10};
struct X {
  width: i32,
  height: i32

impl std::ops::Add for X {
  fn add(&self, rhs: &X) -> Self {
    return X{ width: self.width + rhs.width,
      height: self.height + rhs.height};

let x = X{width:5, height:5} + X{width:10, height:10};

❓ Function Overriding

struct Foo {
  void do_something(){
    printf("foo something\n");

struct Bar: public Foo {
  //overrides Foo's default implementation
  void do_something(){
    printf("bar something\n");
trait Foo {
  fn do_something(&self){
    println!("foo something");
struct Bar;

impl Foo for Bar {
  //overrides Foo's default implementation
  fn do_something(&self){
      println!("bar something");

Meta-Programming: Generics, Templates, and Macros

❓ Generics

//generic struct
template<typename Type> struct Foo {
  Type member_of_type;

struct Bar {
  //generic function
  template<typename Type> auto do_something(Type a) -> Type {
    return a;
//generic struct
struct<Type> Foo {
  member_of_type: Type

//generic function
fn do_something<Type>(Type a) -> Type {
  return a;

❓ C++20 Concepts vs Rust Bounds

template <typename Type> 
requires std::integral<Type> //ensure T matches %d formatting
auto printer(Type t) -> void {
  printf("%d", t);

//T must implement the Display trait
fn printer<Type: Display>(t: Type) {
    println!("{}", t);

❌ Meta-Programming and Macros

It is hard to draw parallels between meta-programming (code that generates code) in C++ and Rust. Rust macros are used for meta-programming. They are used more like C++ template consteval/constexpr meta-programming than C++ preprocessor macros. While C++ pre-processor macros are discouraged, Rust macros are an integral part of the language.

Rust macros use rust code (compiled and executed at compile-time) that parses macro tokens and generate rust code which is then compiled and executed at run-time.


fn main(){
  println!("{} {}", "hello", "world");

In rust, the println!() macro has rust code that parses everything inside the () and then generates the rust implementation to achieve the desired operation. The code that parses and generates is also fully-fledged rust code that is compiled and executed at compile time.

The End

After spending a couple of months investigating Rust, I found many things about the language to be delightful compared to C++.

  • Better defaults: const vs mutable, implicit vs explicit conversions, copy vs move
  • More cohesive ecosystem: Rust has a built-in build system, formatter, language server, documentation generator, unit testing, and package manager
  • Simpler, more expressive syntax.

Rust has benefitted from several decades of lessons learned from C++. Herb Sutter recently introduced cppfront as a way to make C++ 10 times simpler and safer. Rust might have beaten him to it.

You can learn more about Rust here: