Using Singletons in Embedded C++

Embedded C++ (however you define it) is a great tool for developing firmware for microcontrollers. C++ supports object-oriented programming which is great for solving complex problems by deconstructing them into simple objects. Some of these objects are pure software constructs and can be created and destroyed willy-nilly. Other objects are mapped to real-world hardware. Using a singleton is a great way to manage this mapping.

Uart Class

Let’s start with a class that allows access to a UART.

#include <thread/Mutex.hpp>

class Uart {
  Uart(const char * path){
    m_fd = open(path, O_RDWR);

    if( m_fd >= 0 ){

  void write(const char * message){
    thread::Mutex::Scope mutex_scope(m_mutex);
    ::write(m_fd, message, strlen(message));

  thread::Mutex m_mutex;
  int m_fd = -1;

Using a static Member Variable

Now, let’s assume the system has exactly one UART that is accessed at /dev/uart0. In software, we want to create exactly one instance of the Uart object. One way of making this happen is using a static member variable.

In IO.hpp, we have:

struct IO {
  static Uart uart;

Then in IO.cpp, we need to have:

static Uart IO::uart("/dev/uart0");

There are two things I don’t like about this approach:

  1. I need to declare (hpp) and define (cpp) the Uart object in different places. This isn’t so bad with one member. With 20 to 40 hardware mappings, it’s tedious.
  2. I don’t have precise control over when the Uart object is constructed. The Uart object will be constructed before main() is called. If I have other static members in different cpp files, I don’t have control of the order of construction. What if some other part of the system needs to be initialized before the Uart can be constructed?

I do like that this statically allocates the Uart on the heap, but Scott Meyer (he has written some books) gave us a clever way to improve on this. This is called Meyer’s singleton.

The Meyer’s Singleton

struct IO {
  static IO & instance(){
    //constructed on first access
    static IO m_instance;
    return m_instance;

  //constructed in order on first access
  Uart uart;
  I2C i2c;
  Spi spi;

  //don't allow any other class to construct
  IO() : uart("/dev/uart0"){}


Meyer’s singleton fixes both of my gripes with a simple static member variable.

  1. The Uart member variable does not have to be declared in the cpp file. The instance() member can optionally be in both the hpp and cpp files.
  2. I have precise control over when the entire singleton is constructed. It will be constructed on the first call to IO::instance().

And, of course, the singleton is statically allocated on the heap.

To guarantee Uart is a singleton, we want to make the Uart constructor private and add IO as a friend.

class Uart {
  //remove publich constructor
  friend class IO;
  Uart(const char * path){
    m_fd = open(path, O_RDWR);

Access Class

I like to add an access class that can be inherited by classes that need access to the singleton.

struct IOAccess {
  static Uart& uart(){ return IO::instance().uart; }
  static I2C& i2c(){ return IO::instance().i2c; }
  static Spi& spi(){ return IO::instance().spi; }

class MyObject: public IOAccess{
  void send_message(const char * message){

class MyOtherObject: public IOAccess {
  void send_notification(const char * notification){

That’s It

Singletons are a great way to map finite hardware resources to C++ objects. Using a simple static member variable is tedious to code and impossible to precisely initialize. Meyer’s singleton fixes the problems with a simple static member. It is a great construct to know for embedded C++ development.